You’ve written your manuscript and now you’re not sure where to go? Need an illustrator but not sure how it all works? Setup a zoom call with me and we can discuss what’s involved. You can also check out my FAQ and see if that answers any of your questions.
Character Design
This is step one in all book creation journeys. How does your character look, how do they react to their feelings, how do they interact with their environment? These are all questions that have to be answered before you can create a cohesive book. This service can be purchased as a stand-alone or as part of a larger package. If purchased as a stand-alone the cost can be put towards the total cost of the illustrations in the future.
$150 for 2 pages of semi final character drawings.
No revisions
Book Dummy
Whether you are pursuing traditional publishing or self publishing this is step two in your book journey. A book dummy is a sketched out version of the whole book. It determines how the illustrations and text interact and the general flow of the book. If purchased as a stand-alone the cost can be put towards the total cost of the illustrations in the future.
$800 for a full dummy pdf that can be sent to publishers.
2 rounds of revisions by email or 30 minute zoom calls.
Full Book Illustration
This is the whole package. It includes Character Design and book dummy stages. Once those are completed I will render the full book and deliver it to you as high resolution images that can be used to print your book.
Note: This does not include “book design” which is a separate skillset. Book Design is things like deciding on the font, placement of text and cover design. These can be negotiated separately with me or can be contracted out to a book designer.
Cost and timeline to be negotiated per book